Resultado da pesquisa (3)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Ferreira E.V.

#1 - Poisoning by Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Mimosoideae) in cattle, 29(11):951-957

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira E.V., Boabaid F.M., Arruda L.P., Lemos R.A.A, Souza M.A., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2009. [Poisoning by Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Mimosoideae) in cattle.] Intoxicação por Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Mimosoideae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11)951-957. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. E-mail: Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of natural and experimental Stryphnodendron fissuratum poisoning in cattle in Central-Western Brazil were evaluated. The coiled pods of this tree are popularly known as “rosquinha” (small coil); they mature during July-September, when they fall to the ground, and are consumed by cattle causing mortalities. Spontaneous outbreaks of poisoning were investigated in the municipalities of Aruanã, State of Goias, Guiratinga and Rondonópolis State of Mato Grosso, and Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Commonly the poisoning occurred in properties with Nelore cattle herds, which were raised extensively on Brachiaria spp. pastures. The clinical course in natural cases ranged from 24 hours to 10 days, and the morbidity and case fatality rates were 0.9-25% and 15-100%, respectively. The main clinical signs in the spontaneous poisoning were apathy, anorexia, agressiveness, jaundice, sialorrhoea, incoordination, dysmetria, retraction of the abdomen, uneasiness and pasty black feces with stings of mucus or blood, diarrhea, edema of the dewlap and photosensitization. At necropsy, jaundice, edema of the subcutaneous tissue, mainly of the cervical region, hemorrhages of serous membranes, ascitis and hidrotorax, edema of the mesentery, perirenal edema, increased size of liver and kidney, reddening of the ruminal mucosa, and abomasum ulcers were observed. The diagnosis of S. fissuratum poisoning was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings, and in the experimental reproduction by the administration of the pods of this plant to cattle. Experimentally, daily doses of 4 and 20g of pods by kg body weight, respectively, were administered to two bovines. Both animals had digestive signs and died, but photosensitization was not observed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Ferreira E.V., Boabaid F.M., Arruda L.P., Lemos R.A.A, Souza M.A., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2009. [Poisoning by Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Mimosoideae) in cattle.] Intoxicação por Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Mimosoideae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(11)951-957. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. E-mail: Descrevem-se aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação natural por Stryphnodendron fissuratum em bovinos na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Esta planta possui favas retorcidas, conhecidas popularmente por “rosquinha”, que amadurecem entre julho e setembro, caem ao solo e são consumidas por bovinos, sendo relacionadas com mortalidades. Foram investigados surtos de intoxicação espontânea que ocorreram nos municípios de Aruanã, GO, Guiratinga e Rondonópolis, MT e Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, MS. Em geral, a intoxicação ocorreu em propriedades de pecuária extensiva, com rebanhos da raça Nelore e em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Nos casos naturais, a evolução clínica variou em média de 24 horas até 10 dias e a morbidade e a letalidade variaram de 0,9 a 25% e de 15 a 100%, respectivamente. Os principais sinais clínicos na intoxicação natural foram depressão, anorexia, agressividade, icterícia, sialorréia, incoordenação motora, dismetria, retração abdominal, inquietação, fezes pastosas enegrecidas ou ressequidas com muco e estrias de sangue, diarréia, edema de barbela e fotossensibilização. À necropsia havia icterícia, edema do tecido subcutâneo, principalmente na região cervical, petéquias e equimoses de serosas abdominais e torácicas, ascite e hidrotórax leves, edema do mesentério, edema perirrenal, aumento do volume de fígado e rim, avermelhamento ruminal e úlceras multifocais no abomaso. O exame histológico revelou lesões degenerativas e necrose no fígado e rim e no abomaso áreas de necrose na mucosa. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por S. fissuratum foi estabelecido com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e, em parte, na reprodução experimental pela administração das favas desta planta para bovinos. Em dois bovinos que receberam, respectivamente, duas doses diárias de 4 e 20 g de favas por kg de peso vivo foram observados sinais digestivos e morte dos animais, mas não ocorreu fotossensibilização.

#2 - Conidiobolomicose em ovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso, p.77-81

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Boabaid F.M., Ferreira E.V., Arruda L.P., Gasparetto N.D., Souza R.L., Silva M.C., Dutra V., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2008. [Conidiobolomycosis in sheep in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Conidiobolomicose em ovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):77-81. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Correia da Costa s/n, Bairro Coxipó, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brasil. E-mail: The epidemiological, clinical, pathological and mycological findings of an outbreak of conidiobolomycosis in a flock of 40 Santa Ines sheep, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, are reported. The illness occurred in the municipality of Nobres during January-June, 2007, resulting in death of about 30% of the affected sheep within 2-5 weeks. The clinical signs were characterized by apathy, weight loss, labored and noisy breathing with dyspnea, and mucous or serohemorrhagic nasal discharge. In three sheep there was unilateral exophthalmia, keratitis and corneal ulceration. A firm whitish, multi-lobulated, friable growth was evident in the ethmoturbinate region at the coronal sections of the head from six affected sheep. In all sheep the choana had similar nodular infiltration which resulted in local obstruction. In three of those there was exophthalmia. There was infiltration in the cribiform plate and brain (2 cases), regional lymph nodes (2), lungs (3), and abomasums (1). Microscopic findings were granulomatous inflammation of the rhinoetimoidal region, with necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration, epithelioid multinucleated giant cells and fibrovascular tissue, surrounding Splendore-Hoeppli material wich contained unstained ghost images of hyphae. The methenamine-silver stain uncover fungi hyphae, rarely ramified with bulbous dilatation in their extremities. Conidiobolus sp. was isolated from nasal tissue lesions of four sheep.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Boabaid F.M., Ferreira E.V., Arruda L.P., Gasparetto N.D., Souza R.L., Silva M.C., Dutra V., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2008. [Conidiobolomycosis in sheep in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.] Conidiobolomicose em ovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(1):77-81. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Correia da Costa s/n, Bairro Coxipó, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brasil. E-mail: The epidemiological, clinical, pathological and mycological findings of an outbreak of conidiobolomycosis in a flock of 40 Santa Ines sheep, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, are reported. The illness occurred in the municipality of Nobres during January-June, 2007, resulting in death of about 30% of the affected sheep within 2-5 weeks. The clinical signs were characterized by apathy, weight loss, labored and noisy breathing with dyspnea, and mucous or serohemorrhagic nasal discharge. In three sheep there was unilateral exophthalmia, keratitis and corneal ulceration. A firm whitish, multi-lobulated, friable growth was evident in the ethmoturbinate region at the coronal sections of the head from six affected sheep. In all sheep the choana had similar nodular infiltration which resulted in local obstruction. In three of those there was exophthalmia. There was infiltration in the cribiform plate and brain (2 cases), regional lymph nodes (2), lungs (3), and abomasums (1). Microscopic findings were granulomatous inflammation of the rhinoetimoidal region, with necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration, epithelioid multinucleated giant cells and fibrovascular tissue, surrounding Splendore-Hoeppli material wich contained unstained ghost images of hyphae. The methenamine-silver stain uncover fungi hyphae, rarely ramified with bulbous dilatation in their extremities. Conidiobolus sp. was isolated from nasal tissue lesions of four sheep.

#3 - Intoxicação espontânea por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convol-vulaceae) em bovinos no Pantanal Matogrossense, p.415-418

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Antoniassi N.A.B., Ferreira E.V., Santos C.E.P., Campos J.L.E., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2007. [Spontaneous Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) poisoning of cattle in the Brazilian Pantanal.] Intoxicação espontânea por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convol-vulaceae) em bovinos no Pantanal Matogrossense. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):415-418. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. E-mail: A spontaneous Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (canudo, algodoeiro) poisoning of cattle in the county of Poconé, Brazilian Pantanal, is reported. The investigation began after 12 cattle had died from a flock of 500 animals maintained in an extensive area intensely infested by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa with scarce availability of other fodder plants. The deaths occurred from June to September of 2006. Clinical signs were loss of weight and neurological deficits with hypermetry and incoordination. No significant gross lesions were observed at postmortem examination of one bovine. Histological changes comprised widespread cytoplasmic vacuolation of neurons, cells of the thyroid, kidney and pancreas. Cattle with similar clinical picture, that had been removed from the area invaded by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa and placed into areas with native and Brachiaria sp. pasture, recovered clinically within 15 days.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Antoniassi N.A.B., Ferreira E.V., Santos C.E.P., Campos J.L.E., Nakazato L. & Colodel E.M. 2007. [Spontaneous Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) poisoning of cattle in the Brazilian Pantanal.] Intoxicação espontânea por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convol-vulaceae) em bovinos no Pantanal Matogrossense. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(10):415-418. Departamento de Clínica Médica Veterinária, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT 78068-900, Brazil. E-mail: A spontaneous Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (canudo, algodoeiro) poisoning of cattle in the county of Poconé, Brazilian Pantanal, is reported. The investigation began after 12 cattle had died from a flock of 500 animals maintained in an extensive area intensely infested by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa with scarce availability of other fodder plants. The deaths occurred from June to September of 2006. Clinical signs were loss of weight and neurological deficits with hypermetry and incoordination. No significant gross lesions were observed at postmortem examination of one bovine. Histological changes comprised widespread cytoplasmic vacuolation of neurons, cells of the thyroid, kidney and pancreas. Cattle with similar clinical picture, that had been removed from the area invaded by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa and placed into areas with native and Brachiaria sp. pasture, recovered clinically within 15 days.

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